Nature’s Finest

Every week here with KidzJet, we get to partake in outdoor activities. Not only to have fun, but to learn at the same time. Everyone should have that opportunity.  4 years old Logan Roninger who has biologists as parents, loves to play in the dirt and mud and let his mind wander in nature, just like his parents. However, this energetic boy was diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy when he was just 18 months old and tagging along with his parents to the outdoors just became harder and harder without the proper equipment.

Local schools and businesses helped raise money for a wheelchair that would let him live a normal life. How they did it was unique: they decided to sell a collection of toys from fast food restaurants on Ebay. The owner of all the toys had never met the bright child, Logan, but he felt as if he needed the money more than his retirement. His students created a press release for the auction of all the toys and the person who won the auction actually donated the whole collection back hoping to raise more money!

They believed that everyone, especially kids should have the opportunity to live a normal life. It became a chain reaction: good deed to a good deed.

Logan can now experience things you guys do are doing at these outdoor activities!

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